I think that something I've personally been struggling with lately is just putting forth an effort to be more encouraging rather than negative and derogatory. I want to be treated with respect and kindness, yet I find myself not treating others that way. I don't think it's in an effort to 1up them, but I think it's just that the more I make others feel like nothing, the better I feel about myself (which is a lot to admit). I know "no one deserves to be treated that way" but I know i'm not the only one out there that does it, which doesn't make the situation any better, but just a word of encouragement to all of us downers out there, to try to reverse the situation. I know that for me, I can get reprimanded or scolded for a million things, and it'll really get me down, but if I get 1 simple compliment, or word of encouragement, it boosts my whole morale, and while I had forgotten half of the things I had done wrong, that someone had pointed out, I still remember the 1 thing that someone noticed that I was doing right, and that says a lot.
So my goal is this week is to find one person a day that maybe is having a hard week or day, or someone who I haven't talked to in a while, and just show them some kind words.
Btw... the person who made up the phrase
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"
... yeah, that person is a big fat liar! (no offense)