I was almost even afraid for a moment that I might have lost interest in the hobby, but fear not... as soon as I started, that worry soon vanished as I buried myself in creativity.
It took 2 days, and 2 trips to Michael's to finish 1 page. I was almost at a loss for putting the final touches on what seemed like the perfect page, and suddenly it came to me. Only down side was that I didn't have enough supplies (ha... you would laugh if you saw my stash).
Now I have heard that every scrap-booker has a "style" and over time you will start to see a pattern in their work. Well, I hadn't noticed any such "style" in my work. I knew what I did and didn't like, but I wasn't sure that you could put it into a style category yet...
Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe that it will become quite apparent as to what at least helps develop my "style" and creative vision.
The answer (my dear friend Allison, you I believe, will LOVE this one ^_^ )
(idk if I have enough yet)
(Ps. they were ALL on sale when I bought them)
May the adventure continue!
lol I haven't read your blog in awhile and I'm just now reading all of the one's that I've missed! haha yes! I do love the polkadot collection for your scrapbook :)